Kamis, 05 Januari 2012

Was Kurt Cobain Murdered Or Suicide

Here are a list of questions about this that many people would like answered. They were asked on the old forum under the "Unanswered Questions" thread. If you have a question, post it there and it might be added to this list. If anyone directly involved would like to answer these, We'll put your responses up.

Why was the ejected shell of the shotgun found to the left and not the right of the body? This one is extremely important. More important than the heroin in my opinion. Why were standard tests not performed such as a GSR kit, analysis of the contents of the root beer can, (read the reports the can was found with liquid in it but logged into evidence as empty) fingerprinting of the greenhouse, etc.
Were any trajectory tests done to show what the position of the shotgun was when it was fired? If not why weren't they done?
Were any measurements taken to see if it was even possible for him to shoot the gun? If not why weren't the done? The picture of him with the toy gun is just that a toy gun this shot gun was much longer and Kurt wasn't a big guy.
Why did Sgt. Cameron lie to Tom Grant about Kurt being barricaded in the greenhouse and that the little 'stool was wedged up against the door'?
Why were items logged into evidence in the case turned back over to Courtney before the case was even 30 days old?
Why did Courtney pretend to be Kurt's mother when calling in the missing person's report to the SPD on April 4th?
Why didn't Courtney tell Grant and the SPD that Kurt had been seen at their home on April 2nd?
Why was Grant told to watch a drug dealers house and check hotels for Kurt, but not told that Dewitt had seen him at the house?
Why did Dylan not show Grant the greenhouse when Rosemary Carroll is recorded as telling Grant that she heard Courtney tell Dylan to look in the Greenhouse.
Why did Rosemary Carroll think Kurt's death was suspicious? Why did she tell Grant about the divorce and the will? Why is she now silent?
Why did Courtney release that cropped image of Kurt with the toy gun, shortly after his death?
Why didn't Eldon Hoke (El Duce) come forward sooner?
"Frances and Courtney, I'll be at your altar." - Why doesn't anyone ever question this part of the note?
Why did it take 2 years for Sgt. Cameron to say that a rookie must have made a mistake in the police reports about "the marks on Kurt's hands" ?
Why hasn't Courtney sued Tom Grant for his claims, but yet sues everyone else on a spin of a dime?
Where was Pat Smear during the week of April 1st - April 8th?
Why didn't Nikolas Hartshorne the coroner, disclaim and deny the 1.52 mgs of heroin that was found in Kurt's body at the time of death after he has done numerous interviews (VH1 Confidential)?
Why did Rosemary Carroll, Kurt and Courtney's entertainment attorney, tell Tom Grant that "Kurt was not suicidal"?
Why did Rosemary Carroll tell Tom Grant that the note left by Michael "Cali" DeWitt sounded phony?
Why did Rosemary Carroll tell Tom Grant that Courtney had "no business in Los Angeles"?
If all of Kurt and Courtney's friends knew that he was suicidal, why didn't they keep an eye on him?
If Dylan Carlson knew Kurt was suicidal, why did he buy the gun for Kurt?
When Courtney found out that Kurt fled rehab, why did she contact a PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR and not the POLICE first?
Why didn't Courtney go back to Seattle to help locate and maybe save her "suicidal husband"?
Why didn't Courtney call all their friends and family up in Seattle and organize a massive search party the minute Kurt fled the rehab and headed back to Seattle?
Why did Rosemary Carroll back off Grant after he replied to the letter he received from her firm threatening to sue him? Did he strike a chord or something?
Why did Courtney want to keep Grant on the pay roll and get him to sign a confidentiality agreement if he had openly admitted to her what his feelings of Kurt's "suicide" were?
What happened to Cali, and why was he always around - in Rome, at the house, whenever there was a problem? Why wasn't he ever really interviewed/questioned?

Who else did the confidentiality agreement effect besides Rosemary Carroll? i.e. other friends/associates of Kurt and Courtney who can not speak about this, even if they wanted to?
If Kurt was in fear for his life, as Grant claims, why would he go home after fleeing rehab? Wouldn't he hide somewhere less obvious?
Seeing as Tom Grant is a private investigator. Why didn't he search the entire place, instead of just sitting in the car waiting for Dylan the first time, and only looking inside the house the second time, which was just a short time after the first time early Thursday morning of April 7th? You'd think him being hired to specifically search for a suicidal person, he'd have a look around everywhere on the property, not just the house, especially when the greenhouse isn't that inconspicuous. Anyone could see the window right above the garage. He used the excuse "it was dark and raining", why didn't he go back there at first light to have a thorough look at the entire property?
Why don't any of Kurt's close friends publicly support Tom Grant or the murder theory?
If Tom Grant has some more information on the murder theory then why won't he release it to the public? He says he's saving it for when the case gets reopened and goes to court, but it's been eight years.

Rabu, 04 Januari 2012

Ini Dia Suami Frances Bean Yang Disebut Mirip Kurt Cobain

Courtney Love, Sang Maniak Yang Beruntung Sempat Bercinta Dengan Kurt Cobain!

Courtney Love sepertinya semakin liar saja. Tak hanya di luar panggung, di atas panggung pun istri mendiang Kurt Cobain ini masih sempat bertingkah gila dengan melucuti kaos yang dikenakannnya saat tampil dalam salah satu konsernya di Brazil. Alhasil, dia pun tampil topless di depan penonton.
Dilansir dari dailymail, aksi berani sekaligus gila ini memang tidak pernah disangka sebelumnya. Pasalnya, penyanyi berusia 47 tahun ini awalnya tampil normal dengan kaos putih transparan bertuliskan 'Courtney be my...' dengan crop top warna putih berkilauan di dalamnya. Namun suasana mulai panas ketika dia mulai melepas kaosnya tersebut.
Setelah kaos terlepas, dia pun melanjutkan aksi bernyanyinya di atas panggung. Sembari memainkan bass, dia pun terus membawa penonton dalam alunan lagunya. Namun, hal yang tak disangka kembali terjadi ketika crop top warna itu ternyata juga dilepaskan di depan penonton.
Tak malu bertelanjang dada, Courtney pun melanjutkan aksi panggung tanpa peduli dengan reaksi penonton yang setengah heran dan setengah bersorak. Tak cukup samapi di situ, Courtney pun semakin gila dengan menunjuk dan memencet sisi kanan payudaranya sendiri.

Well, sepertinya kali ini Courtney memang berniat menghibur penonton habis-habisan dengan aksi vulgarnya tersebut. Tentu saja para penonton yang hadir tidak akan melupakan pemandangan spektakuler itu seterusnya. Namun bagaimana ya reaksi Kurt Cobain melihat hal ini, seandainya dia masih hidup? :)  

Belum lagi lupa dengan aksi gilanya saat konser di Brazil, Courtney Love kembali bikin publik geleng-geleng kepala dengan penampilannya saat hadir dalam premier film HUGO yang digelar pada Senin (21/11) lalu. Dalam acara itu, janda Kurt Cobain ini tampil dengan ujung payudara menyembul keluar!

Sebagaimana dilaporkan Dailymail, penyanyi country berusia 47 tahun itu tampak mengenakan gaun merah dengan berbelahan dada sangat rendah. Saking rendahnya, entah sadar atau tidak, puting payudaranya pun menyembul keluar dan jadi santapan mata publik.
Saat difoto oleh para fotografer pun, Courtney yang saat itu mengenakan kostum serba merah nampak percaya diri bergaya di depan kamera, seolah tak peduli bahwa publik di sekitarnya sedang melihat siaran langsung yang cukup langka. Warna merah menyala yang dikenakannya dipadu dengan kulitnya yang putih itu pun semakin menambah jelas pemandangan tersebut.
Hal gila ini memang bukan pertama kalinya dilakukan oleh Courtney. Konser di Brazil beberapa waktu lalu itu malah lebih gila dengan aksi topless-nya di atas panggung. Saat itu, Courtney yang awalnya mengenakan kaos ketat, sedikit demi sedikit melucuti bajunya, hingga akhirnya bertelanjang dada di depan penonton. Lebih gilanya lagi, dia sempat menunjuk-nunjuk payudaranya sendiri di hadapan penonton.

Pelelangan Kostum Para Legenda

Inovasi kostum tanpa henti yang dilakukan oleh Lady GaGa rupanya tidak sia-sia. Pasalnya beberapa barang nyentrik yang sempat dia kenakan dalam aksi musiknya akan segera dijual dalam satu acara pelelangan terbesar yang akan digelar akhir tahun 2011 ini.
Dilansir dari contactmusic, sebuah gaun hitam yang dikenakan Lady GaGa saat pemotretan untuk majalah Madame Figaro beberapa waktu lalu akan masuk daftar penjualan dalam pelelangan yang bertajuk Julien's Auctions. Gaun tersebut diperkirakan akan laku dengan nilai kurang lebih Rp90 juta.
Barang lain yang juga dijual dalam acara ini adalah pistol mainan yang digunakan Lady GaGa saat syuting video klip Born This Way. Selain itu, ada juga barang-barang lain yang direncanakan akan dilempar ke publik melalui kegiatan lelang ini.
Selain barang milik Lady GaGa, barang-barang milik selebritis legendaris seperti Cyndi Lauper, Sir Mick Jagger dan Kurt Cobain juga akan masuk dalam daftar. Barang-barang tersebut diperkirakan juga akan memiliki nilai yang sangat tinggi.
Adapun barang-barang lain yang akan dilelang adalah sebuah gitar yang ditandatangani oleh Bono, sebuah sketsa yang dibuat John Lennon, kostum yang dikenakan The Beatle dan Paul MCCartney dalam film HELP, dan masih banyak lagi yang lain. Pelelangan akan dilaksanakan pada 11 Desember 2011 mendatang.

Frances Bean Menikah Dengan The New Kurt Cobain

       Entah sebuah kebetulan atau memang disengaja, namun muncul rumor bahwa putri musisi legendaris, Kurt Cobain, kini telah menikah dengan seorang pria yang sangat mirip dengan ayahnya. Tidak hanya mirip, pria tersebut juga seorang musisi seperti Kurt.
Dilansir dari dailymail, Frances Bean Cobain yang kini baru berusia 19 tahun itu dikabarkan menikah dengan pria bernama Isaiah Silva, yang juga merupakan personil band The Rambles. Walaupun berita tersebut masih sekedar rumor, namun berbagai fakta seolah mengarahkan bahwa hal itu benar.
Pasangan itu dikabarkan telah sama-sama mengganti status mereka di facebook dengan 'menikah' sejak beberapa minggu lalu. Mereka juga dikabarkan sempat mengirimkan pesan kepada teman terdekat dan memberitahukan bahwa mereka telah menikah. Hal itu juga diperkuat dengan pesan yang ditulis Frances sendiri di dindingnya.
"Bahwa aku akan menghabiskan sisa umurku bersama kekasih yang juga teman baikku membuatku merasa menjadi wanita yang paling beruntung di dunia," tulis putri Kurt dan Courtney Love tersebut.
Pria yang dikabarkan telah menikah dengannya itu memang bisa dikatakan luar biasa mirip dengan mendiang ayahnya yang meninggal sejak usia Frances baru dua tahun. Kurt Cobain meninggal dunia dengan cara bunuh diri saat usianya masih 27 tahun.
    Sayangnya saya tidak punya gambar dari sang pria tersebut, mungkin postingan mendatang akan saya bahas lebih lengkap gan,keep smile! :)